​El Capitan Theater Restoration

El Capitan Theater restoration project by Disney; restoration contractor Juan O Sequeira and J Ronald Reed, Salas Enterprise, dba Restoration Studio, received the National Trust for Historic Preservation Honor Award as well as California Heritage Council Preservation Award

El Capitan Theater restoration project by Disney; restoration contractor Juan O Sequeira and J Ronald Reed, Salas Enterprise, dba Restoration Studio, received the National Trust for Historic Preservation Honor Award as well as California Heritage Council Preservation Award

El Capitan Theater restoration project by Disney; restoration contractor Juan O Sequeira and J Ronald Reed, Salas Enterprise, dba Restoration Studio, received the National Trust for Historic Preservation Honor Award as well as California Heritage Council Preservation Award

National Trust for Historic Preservation, Watchingon DC, preservation award ceremony for the El Capitan Theater restoration; Juan O Sequeira and J Ronald Reed, contractors of restoration, Salas Enterprise dba Restoration Studio

El Capitan theater restoration by Disney, showing proscenium arch, ceiling and balcony and the main ceiling of the theater

El Capitan Theater restortion, Disney project by Juan O Sequeira and J Ronald Reed of Salas Enterprise dba Restoration Studio

photo is by the National Trust for Historic Preservation at the Preservation Honor award presentation for the El Capitan Theater restoration National Trust for Historic Preservation award ceremony in 1992

Open night of restored proscenium of the historic El Capitan Theater a Disney project with Juan O Sequeira and J Ronald Reed